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Embrace your practice.Heal the Root.

Virtual yoga practices and herbal remedies complement the body’s natural ability to heal.

Created by Cameron Burris, LCSW, therapist, and certified yoga teacher, HerbanSol exists as a bridge connecting the philosophy and practice of yoga and self-healing to those who need it most. Cameron’s work has been highlighted in the following publications:

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Practice Yoga Anytime, Anywhere.

Follow Cameron at your pace as she guides you through yoga flows and meditations curated to help you heal from the inside out.


Why Self-Heal?

Feeling Good Inside and Out

Yoga and herbs team up to improve your body. Yoga strengthens and adds flexibility, while herbs, such as teas or supplements, address issues like digestion or immunity. Together, they keep your body in top shape.

Chilling Out Your Mind

Practicing yoga and properly utilizing potent herbs can also calm your mind. Yoga helps you relax and focus through repetitive movement, while herbs like lavender or chamomile have natural calming powers. They can help you feel less stressed and more at ease.

Keeping Your Emotions Balanced

Yoga and herbal remedies aren't just about the body; they're good for your feelings too. As you expand your understanding of yoga, you’ll understand and manage your emotions better. And certain herbs, like ashwagandha, can help you healthily deal with stress and keep your mood stable.

Treating You as a Whole

The cool thing about utilizing yoga and herbs together is they positively affect your whole self, not just one problem. Instead of just treating symptoms, they work to heal what's really causing the issue. So, you get a complete healing experience that covers everything from your body to your mind and even your spirit.

Dive into Herbal Tinctures.

Discover the power of herbs and adaptdogens with Herban Sol’s organic, handcrafted tinctures. Take directly or mix in with your favorite beverages for optimal benefits.

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